07591 938690 popupandplaypartyhire@aol.co.uk
     07591 938690     popupandplaypartyhire@aol.co.uk

Bouncy Castles and Roller Coaster

Bouncy castles and Roller coasters are only available with

soft play packages

Fairytale castle £70


up to 1.3m



Farm  castle £55


children up to 1.2m

Princess castle £55


10x9x7ft high


children up to 1.2m

Two tone Blue Castle £55


10x9x7ft high


children up to 1.2m

Seaworld Castle £55

10x9x7ft high


children up to 1.2m

Butterfly Castle £55

10x9x7ft high

children up to 1.2m

Roller Coasters £25

for 2-5 year olds

Contact us today!


Facebook message at popupandplay






07591 938690

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2020 Pop Up and Play Soft Play Party Hire, Faversham and Ashford, Kent